What People Are Saying

Watch and read what people around the world are saying about Taste your Magic and how our services have helped them in their lives.

Wow Ruth is Awesome! I personsonaly got to experience her gifts with her 8.5ft boa and 4.5 ft python. In Front of a group of high end business leaders, investors, professional athletes, I got to work on my heart and everyone’s in the room. Ruth helped level up a room of people who already work at the top.

Jeff Hoffman - Global Entrepreneurship Network,Priceline.com, Booking.com.

Ruth has wowed everyone she works with. It only takes a moment for you to feel her gift and what she is doing to help you. When my 20 yr old dog passed she was able to connect my daughter and I to him. We were able to gain much needed answers from him through Ruth. What a gift she gave our souls.

Micaela Passeri - Global woman club, Women’s Global holistic Chambers of commerce

Working with Ruth Mellor both as a mentor, way-shower, and several times as a guest on my podcast, I can tell you she is one-of-a-kind. She can walk between the realms, communicate with spirits, animals, guides, and ancestors. Her delivery of the information she receives is straightforward and practical. She is by far one of the most gifted Oracles I’ve met or interviewed.

Tahverlee - Founder of the Moon Temple Mystery School and host of Grit & Grace podcast

I met Ruth in 2018 when I attended her first Taste Your Magic Retreat. I've been in the medical field for 26 years but felt there was more to what I could do, and wanted to explore that.

Ruth saw me for who I was. She recognized the depth of my gifts that until that point were untapped. I have since expanded as an intuitive practitioner, better able to help my clients heal in all areas: heart, mind, body and soul. For that and our friendship, I am most grateful.

Marga Macias, M.D. Intuitive Energy Healer

I have worked with many great teachers and coaches throughout the years. Ruth was the first one who really helped me tap into the unique gifts that were mine, and helped me to open up and expand those gifts. She is also the first mentor that I have not outgrown. Ruth is always up-leveling her own skills and by doing so continues to help me expand my gifts. She is an extremely potent magical being, and the most gifted animal communicator I know.

Dawn Moses - City Wide Home Loans

Ruth is the real deal and a wonderful, brilliant, kind, fun woman. I was terrified of the snake but I witnessed miracles. We became friends and I invited her to do work on me on my TV/ Radio show. It was amazing. In 15 minutes her snake worked. I’m still feeling the benefits of that 15 min fear release and work on my emotions and body.

Dr. Cherilyn Lee — NU Wellness Healthcare, Marina Del Rey, CA

I’ve known and worked with Ruth for 10 years. She helped me work through some of the most intense moments of development. With her gifts to understand the body, emotions and her oracle/psychic gifts she helped me clear the stress and gain the truth and solutions for my next major steps forward.

Stephen Richards – Owner,Better Body Foods

In 2 years of working with Ruth, I have truly enjoyed the levels she is able to go in order to gain healing and answers. She works in and with the miracle frequency. I have worked with gifted leaders around the world, and Ruth is at the top of the list. She truly is gifted.

Dr Sarah Larsen – M.D. – Medical intuitive, founder of Miracle Makers Academy

Ruth understands she is a messenger, a vessel for spirit to work through, and she keeps herself pure in the bringings forth. She is the medicine of sunrise, midday, and sunset, the oracle of past, present, future knowing. She is honored and loved in her gifts, and celebrated in her courage, and works to spread wholeness and balance in the world. She has helped our tribe and Rainbow Gathering all over through me.

ONKIAISHAWIEN KIENTUNKEAH – Medicine Man of the Kiowa Tribe

Ruth! Wow, how to even begin my experience with her. Movement in leaps and bounds. Knowing her for a little over two years and working side by side with her has transformed my life in incredible ways. She has taught me that there are no limits unless I am putting them on myself. Breaking free from past trauma, releasing generational patterns allowing me to fully step into who I am.

Melisa " Hashi " Campbell - Intuitive Healer / Reiki Master

The universe lined up for me to meet Ruth.I can honestly say that life has not been the same since I have met Ruth! New doors, new opportunities, new friendships and a whole new respect for the world has happened since I have started working with Ruth. She has this amazing way of explaining the unexplainable in a manner that you can understand. If the opportunity presents itself for you to attend one of her readings, a retreat, or become one of her mentees take the opportunity! You will find yourself growing and expanding in ways you never knew possible.

KANDI STEWART - Reiki certified. Member of southern ID psychopomp group.

I used to feel like there was a part of me that was missing. I’ve been in love, been loved, someone’s verbal punching bag, and misused as a friend. I’ve had friends, but never felt like anyone understood me. Until I met Ruth who helped me open my heart, mind, body, and soul so I could see that part of me I have always known was there, but didn’t know how to find it.

Lynn Gamsky - Mustang whisperer, Animal communicator and teacher.

Ruth is truly one-of-a-kind for so many reasons. I was intrigued by her through social media and then I met her in person, and I saw the magic she exudes is on another level. She's magnetic! She has this unique essence about her and has a way of making you feel loved, welcomed, and as if you've always been part of her life. She truly leads by example and embodies what she teaches. She isn't someone that forces her way on you: She brings out what your way is and walks you through options that work for you.

Brandi Burrola — Realtor, Cosmic Illuminator

I was introduced to Ruth, Goddess, Oracle, and her work at the end of 2019. I began working with her directly a few months later. Since then, I have healed so many aspects of my life and my relationships. Through her guidance, I was able to see and embrace my own gifts and power. I have gone through numerous transformations and have changed my entire life. I have embraced my own power and ability to create my reality as I choose. I am now able to use my gifts to serve others as well.

Brandi “Jaguar” Hogan - Intuitive Healer, Holy Fire III Reiki Master

I was impressed with Ruth from the moment I came to her ranch to ask her to come help develop the horse program at Wasatch Academy private boarding school. She was throwing hay bales on a trailer while talking to me. Her work ethic is disciplined and productive. She has a gift with the horses and riders. I witnessed her work with our youth, and many of them were able to get off of their meds, which our high-paid therapists couldn't do. Our youth who worked with her horses became outstanding students, and all graduated with good grades, a new found purpose, and happiness.

DEV LAHIRI - Dubai India - Schooling- St Xaviers, Jaipur

My name is Cyndi. I'm 36 and currently reside From Alaska. I joined one of Ruth's mentor programs in 2019/20, as well as attending a few zoom classes and online retreats. I loved working with Ruth. She is so alive, vibrant, and full of life. What emanates from Ruth is of the purest love and light: real, raw, and Ruth. In working with her, I was able to step more into myself and grow in multiple aspects of myself and life. Not only did she help me help myself, but she ingrained the tools within me to be able to care for and love myself. I highly recommend reaching out and working with her if you are led to her while looking for that something you asked for, fulfilling your curiosities.

Cyndi Polya — Professional Dog Groomer, Reiki Master, Animal Communicator

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