Start Date

April 15, 2024


End Date

April 22, 2024



Cairo, Egypt


Your Facilitator(s)



About the retreat

In EGYPT "seeing" is "believing" and now your desires get to be seen and lived in your believing.

  • CONNECT with Ancient Egyptian wisdom.

  • AWAKEN your all your senses to FEEL ALIVE & ENERGIZED.

  • Allow your mind, body & soul to heal, stepping you into the miracle frequency.

  • Gain the answers your heart has been asking.

  • Learn Animal Communication, how are they supporting you.

  • Discover your natural superpower & how to use it for a more joyous life.

1. Valley of the Kings - Walk down into the kings tombs connecting into the energy of wealth and leadership. Reminding your body of your wealth wanting to come to you.

Receive the powerful messages for you to help activate your Royalty Blood that is already pumping through your body.

Gaining ancient secrets, tools and support from the Pharaohs that will help you in your next steps into your exciting abundance and fortune.

Bringing in honoring and protection of you and your journey forward.

Go into secret sacred tumbs under ground. One that hasn't been open to the public for decades. 90ft under the ground.

2. Learn the sacred symbols and language of Ancient Egypt.

Discover your sacred symbols and the birthright power infused in it and how you can use your gift given to you long ago.

3. Melt into your God/Goddess self with Five Star luxury accommodations and delicious native meals.

4. Engulf yourself into wonderment of possibilities as you touch these enormous pyramids and statues and temples.

Shifting the impossible of your life to possible and achievable.

5. Drench your soul in the Power of passion, love and beauty as you step into the different goddess temples.

Honor the messages that they give you and activate as you awaken confidently and with passion, stepping into being seen in your fullness.

6. See the higher perspective of your reality while you sore across the skies over the Kings tumbs and temples in a hot air balloon.

7. Boat down the Nile River to Embrace the colorful welcoming love from the Nubian Village. Learn how the original tribes were able to communicate without an alphabet language.

8. Receive a personal henna tattoo at their kitchen table as family. See their pet crocodiles they raise in their living rooms.

Gain a new love and respect for your journey, honor where you're at in your life.

GRATITUDE helps peace and alignment to come into your manifestations.

9 Animal Communication - Ride the camels by the massive Pyramids of Giza. Hear and feel their love as they give you supportive steps into your next desires.

They have a special message for you. as they have been calling to you and grateful you came to the call.

10. Hold a Crocodile, FACE your FEARS with support. They know the stories of man from when they started, they know the ancient wisdom and how it's been used through the generations of this earth. They will teach you how to have stability and longevity, with abundance, peace and ease in your life. They will teach you how you are the protection in your story and how to stand ground as your desire comes to you. And how to know when to attack.

Book Your Seat now

Connect with yourself, discover your natural gifts, gain tools to continue on developing them.

Connect with your loved ones who have passed on. Communicate with the animals.



What Attendees Say about This Event

The universe lined up for me to meet Ruth. I can honestly say that life has not been the same since I have met Ruth! New doors, new opportunities, new friendships, and a whole new respect for the world has happened since I have started working with Ruth!


Member of Southern Idaho Psychopomp Group
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I’ve known and worked with Ruth for 10 years. She helped me work through some of the most intense moments of my personal development. With her gifts to understand the body and its emotions, plus her oracle/psychic gifts, she helped me clear the stress and gain the truth and solutions for my next major steps forward.

Stephen Richards

Owner of Better Body Foods
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I was introduced to Ruth—Goddess, Oracle—and her work at the end of 2019. I began working with her directly a few months later. Since then, I have healed so many aspects of my life and my relationships. Through her guidance, I was able to see and embrace my own gifts and power.

Brandi “Jaguar” Hogan - Utah

Intuitive Healer, Holy Fire III Reiki Master,Jaguar Goddess, Sister to the Trees
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